Philadelphia Business Journal Recognizes LLR and ACHIEVEability in its 2023 Faces of Philanthropy Awards

April 26, 2023

LLR and ACHIEVEability were recently recognized by Philadelphia Business Journal as one of the Faces of Philanthropy for our multidimensional philanthropic partnership. ACHIEVEability is a non-profit organization dedicated to breaking the cycle of generational poverty in West Philadelphia. Since 1981, ACHIEVEability has been committed to helping low-income and single-parent households, as well as those experiencing homelessness, through affordable housing, higher education and community and economic development.

As a firm, we prioritize the importance of collaborating with local organizations like ACHIEVEability to drive meaningful impact. Over the past three years, we have partnered on countless volunteer initiatives, including garden maintenance and block beautification projects, organized backpack drives, and helping with ACHIEVEability’s workforce pipeline by providing resume bootcamps, business coaching and training, and marketing support. We look forward to many more years of working together to better serve our community.

Consideration for the Philadelphia Business Journal 2023 Faces of Philanthropy Award required an application which ACHIEVEability submitted and did not require fees to be exchanged. ACHIEVEability nominated themselves and their partnership with LLR are and nominations were based on initiatives that have taken place in the last 12-18 months and the companies must be headquartered in the Greater Philadelphia area. For more information about the award, visit here.